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Additional ROGERS Surnames in CITY OF MESA Cemetery
ROGERS, Oscar DavidROGERS, Chancy FosterROGERS, Walter GeorgeROGERS, Palma C.ROGERS, Walter GlenROGERS, LuellaROGERS, Woodferd HenryROGERS, ElizabethROGERS, Oscar David "Uncle Doc"ROGERS, Frances AnnROGERS, EstherISAACSON ROGERS, EstherROGERS, David WhiteROGERS, Britton MarvinROGERS, Jalie Additional ROGERS Surnames in MARICOPA County
ROGERS, BoneleeROGERS, Isaac HenryROGERS, James T.ROGERS, Ellen N.ROGERS, William HarrisonROGERS, Mary EdnaROGERS, Ray E.ROGERS, Margaret D.ROGERS, Eleanor J.ROGERS, Kenneth HarryROGERS, ROGENE E.ROGERS, GRACEROGERS, Family PlotROGERS, Mary RuthROGERS, Myron M.ROGERS, Samuel G.ROGERS, Alice M.ROGERS, DickROGERS, RichardROGERS, William Arthur, SrROGERS, Era BessieROGERS, Earl BROGERS, Evelyn LROGERS, James EdwardROGERS, Everett WROGERS, CHARLEYROGERS, PatriciaROGERS, JustineROGERS, Mary JaneROGERS, Ruben CROGERS, Jefferson ZabraROGERS, JoanROGERS, Kindra DawnROGERS, ImojeanROGERS, Gail MonroeROGERS, Helen AROGERS, Charles WalterROGERS, Neva VROGERS, Gale Addison
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Submitted: 6/7/17 • Approved: 6/19/17 • Last Updated: 3/24/18 • R102257-G102257-S3
Wife of David White Rogers
Apr. 28, 1900-Oct. 24,1988
Contributed on 6/7/17 by wright
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Record #: 102257