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Additional ROBERTS Surnames in MOUNTAIN VIEW Cemetery
ROBERTS, William (Judge)ROBERTS, Charles BernardROBERTS, Lloyd AllenROBERTS, Floyd AltonROBERTS, John BranchROBERTS, MildredROBERTS, AnnaROBERTS, Baby BoyROBERTS, Emily FrancesROBERTS, Nicholas PaulROBERTS, Joseph EliROBERTS, Veva DelilaROBERTS, James EdwardROBERTS, Bertha EulaROBERTS, George ElmerROBERTS, Curtis EdwardROBERTS, Ada PriceROBERTS, Walter LewisROBERTS, James AlbertROBERTS, Jimmy GlennROBERTS, Margaret (Marge)ROBERTS, Lowell IrwinROBERTS, Lowell IrwinROBERTS, Mary ElizabethROBERTS, Lucy MayKRENNING ROBERTS, Lucy MayROBERTS, Bertie Katherine Additional ROBERTS Surnames in YAVAPAI County
ROBERTS, William FultonROBERTS, Thelma OnitaROBERTS, Annie JuliaROBERTS, David PresleyROBERTS, Bonnie AnnROBERTS, Wilma F.ROBERTS, Othor WilbornROBERTS, Gordon LeeROBERTS, CharlesROBERTS, Jane (Jenny)ROBERTS, Edward IsaacROBERTS, JosephROBERTS, Ruth A.ROBERTS, William A. (Red)ROBERTS, WilliamROBERTS, Grover WalterROBERTS, Ethel SegridROBERTS, JimROBERTS, Family StoneROBERTS, Baby GirlROBERTS, Stanley W.ROBERTS, Marilyn S.ROBERTS, Samuel FranklinROBERTS, John JamesROBERTS, Phillip WilliamROBERTS, Ruthie MarieROBERTS, Andrew (Humpy)ROBERTS, Clarence GlenROBERTS, Edna MargaretROBERTS, Webster Marion
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Submitted: 6/12/11 • Approved: 7/5/20 • Last Updated: 7/8/20 • R79541-G79541-S3
Lucy M. (Krenning) Roberts
b. April 8, 1874, Neosho, Mo.
d. Jan. 29, 1962, Prescott, Ariz.
w/o Edward Adams Roberts
(m) April 7, 1893, Prescott, Ariz. Territory
d/o Frank H. & Lucy Ellen (Gordon) Krenning
Site N/020/A
Ruffner Funeral Home, Prescott, Az.
Buried Feb. 2, 1962
Mt. View Cemetery records /Az. death records
Contributed on 6/12/11 by linschon
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Record #: 79541